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Old 04-22-2012, 07:43 PM
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fkshiu fkshiu is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post
Have to disagree.

Yes, we get the occasional client locking to save 5 bucks BUT most of the time we are talking about 10-15-20% differences in price for the same products. If my client can save 10-15% elsewhere, he should take it...he is a fool if he does not.
I order from the US because I work 10 mins from the border and bring things back over from my mailbox in Blaine, WA in amounts that don't incur duties/taxes. That saves me 12% right off the hop. For places likes MarineDepot and Premium Aquatics, there is a sweet spot where you'll get free shipping while still not triggering duties/taxes from CBSA. So I'll get the goods both tax free and with free shipping. While I'm at it I'll pick up a tank of gas at around $1/L. It's a no brainer on my part.

I estimate that 75% of my equipment/drygoods is purchased this way. It would be higher were it not for the excellent prices of our local dealers like J&L.

"Buying local" makes you feel warm and fuzzy and I would I do so if all else was equal. Unfortunately, it's not and financial reality hits.
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