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Old 04-22-2012, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
The best thing is ensure you get a test kit.

A tank crash causes die off even on the rock.

Add your sand and rock. Let it sit 3/4 weeks and then test it. You want ALL tests of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite to come at zero. Any levels detectable mean you are cycling.

The good bacteria is still there, it's the die off that needs to "disappear" or become neutralized and removed by filters.

Personally I say 4 weeks. 6 in extreme cases. Just let it sit. Watch the tank go through the cycle. The remaining bacteria will populate again once the toxins are gone. Your live sand will HELP. As will water changes.

There are also bacteria cultures you can add.

Dont take me wrong. I just lay it out. No offense was meant. Just be patient and get through your cycle and the tank will prosper.

Good luck.
nitrates only raise when ammonia and nitrites go down, hence why we do w/c.
Can't is the cancer of happen - charlie sheen

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