I live in south Langley, and the Pac Hwy border crossing is only 15 min for me. That's way closer than J&L. I use a freight forwarding whse in Blaine to pick up my online purchases. I choose my times to cross, so line-ups are not a problem.
Having said that, I still buy locally or online in Canada whenever possible and if the price is not too far out of line. In fact, I have found that J&L prices are sometimes equal or better than online from the US, incl BRS. Most times I buy online from the US, is when something isn't available locally, and then while I am at it, I usually stock up on a few other items.
To keep customers local, LFS's should offer to bring in special purchases at close to or equal US online prices, even if they don't make a profit. That way they will keep the customer coming back, and buying other stuff, that otherwise would have been lost sales.