Hey everyone, i thought i'd get on here and let you know what's left for fish and livestock.
1-yellow tang
2-lawnmower blenny
1-starry blenny
1-tailspot blenny
1-two spot blenny
1-orange firefish
1-scooter dragonette
1-red (male) scooter dragonette
1- leiutenent tang
1-miniatus grouper
1-humbug damsel
1-yellowfin damsel (adult)
1-fusi sand goby
1-zebra dartfish
1-half black damsel
1-yellow watchman and rainbow pistol shrimp
1-rainbow pistol shrimp (without a partner)
lots of hermits
a few snails
a few tiger tail cucumbers
blue linkia starfish
2-mini maxi carpet anenomes (one orange and one yellow)
1-GEORGEOUS red bubble anenome
nasarius snails
man groves
lots of macros
a few softies and sps frags and colonies
flame scallops
pearl oysters (good filter feeders-hardy)
I think i got it all....oh yes and then there is Mr. Harry, now i am worried about him. As i really want him to find a good home, BUT he has special needs...a large sump would be ideal-where he can't reach the edge and get out, where he can crawl around cleaning house/sump for you. He is NOT, i repeat NOT fish safe or coral safe. He has taken down some pretty decent sized sleeping angels, tangs and even clowns in his days. So back to a sump/BADBOY TANK for him. Also the miniatus grouper is another one i am concerned with as she too has special needs...she is not friendly with small fish or decorative shrimp. So someone out there with a FOWLR would be PERFECT!!! I like to call her Minnie, she is sooo pretty---red with bright blue spots. Anyway stop by for a look. One last weekend (next Weekend) for us here at ProReef. And after next saturday (the last saturday) we are going to the pub to induldge in some Brews! I really hope Harry and Minnie can find nice appropriatlly sized homes, as well as the others-but the rest are reef safe and i'm sure will go to good homes!!!
Cheers Ronnie