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Old 04-21-2012, 05:20 PM
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ProReef ProReef is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 318
ProReef is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
With Proreef closing, I'm losing a LFS that is about 5 minute's walk from my place. What I'll miss more is the staff calling me at home at 10:30PM offering to meet me at the store to pick up some NH3 remover. Thanks Ronnie!

And thanks to Gareth for the bucket load of fish out of his personal tank, they'll be great in my display, can't wait to move them over!!

Gonna miss you guys!

Hey Brad, thanks for the kind words. I just know if i had that going on i would want the same fan-fricken-tastic service too
Yeah, i too am going to miss this place to. It is also a hop skip and a jump to my house. But we will rally and continue to help out our fellow westshorers and reefers...even late late at night.
Cheers Ronnie