Originally Posted by Casey8
Finally I see some water is running, not really salted water yet but there is something to look at for now ...
I have the same Eheim pump just like you. I think if you use vinyl tubing instead off the pvc pipe and use a mouse pad to put underneath it, it will reduce the vibration humming sound from it. Maybe not a big deal for you, but my tank is in my bedroom so I am very fussy about noises. I try to reduce any unecessary noise as much as I can.
Our DT is in our livingroom, and we sleep next to it, so quiet is of the utmost importance.
I have many pumps in my office to listen to. Besides the powerheads/filters in my QT and curing rock tub, I also have
2 x Eheim 1262s in the sump

If you look over my pics, you'll see there's one for the UV/Chiller/Chaeto/Reactor circuit and another for the DT return

I use
this filter material for dampening and it works great. As it wears out I can replace it as I only use small squares.
I have used Spa-flex where needed instead of vinyl tubing.