Chaeto ( maybe /frag tank later ) is up and running.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out. All I need is a swing check-valve for it's plumbing as the anti-siphon hole I drilled interferes with the secondary system's ease of re-start .... I get loads of air in the lines that cause the UV/Chiller line to spew loads of water that splashes everywhere.
Tonight I tested the new tank with
full flow. Surprisingly, it will handle
all the flow from it's Eheim 1262. Good to know in case I turn off the UV/Chiller and TLF reactors at the same time.
Besides the emerg overflow, I also built a flood perimeter as I
like redundancy.
So, without further ado, here's the sump before
( I still need to build the new Chiller stand )
And after
Notice the removal of the in-sump Chaeto tank ?
Now there's
piles of room to remove the pumps
The whole thing so far
And the Chaeto tank running
Next, I'm on to the list I started of 12 more things I found need doing, of which at least 8 have to be done before I go salty. I am
going to fully test this system running before it gets salt, making sure the kill switches work correctly. Then it's getting another test salty to make sure the ATO is working right. I might as well be as anal-as-all-get-out at this point, otherwise, what's the point in taking so much time and effort ? Right ? Ya ? Would you rush it at this point ?
Thanks to RDNanoguy and fishytime for their thoughts on my TLF reactors interfering with the socks. You'll see they have been moved.
And thanks to the rest of you for the support.
Keep the nice comments and suggestions coming