Originally Posted by e46er
Your price difference between options 1/2 and options 3/4 are huge
Kinda like what car should I buy Honda civic or corvette
AI sol and radions are new technology and expensive
Sol are what $450 each? Radions $825 each and you will need 2 of both
You can get a 48" 6 bulb tek used for few hundred and all new bulbs for less that 1 sol
but when you consider that bulbs last like 8-9 months, and cost $180 a pop to replace all 6 versus an ai sols 50000 hour LED module lifespan (5.7 years) and relative low cost to replace (apparently ~$25 a 'puck'), the AI sol would have itself paid off and working to your advantage in just over 3 years. take into consideration the wattage youll be saving and the time youll be saving from less frequient water top ups (LED = less heat = less evaporation), theyll be paying themselves off even sooner.
2 AI sol ($399.00 x2 = 798) - Tek6 ($250) = $548 / $180 = 3.04~