Well, thanks guys

I don't think that will be the tank for me lol, here is what the guy wrote me back about the questions I had about his tanks...
just to give you heads up you dont have to have all the bells and whistles to run a salt tank, depends if your close to a window your lights dont have to be so powerful for coral. and that depends if you get soft or hard coral. when you buy your rock if its full of holes than you dont have to buy as much (1lb/gal rule of thumb) buy about half to 2/3. if you over size your filter it helps keep water cleaner longer, i just used tap water in mine and never had an issue. skimmers are useful but not mandatory keeps the surface water looking nice. i think when i set up my next tank i will go with an over flow filter cause than you dont need any ugly stuff hanging in your tank (skimmer, heater, hoses, ect)