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Old 04-18-2012, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post
No the pH of pure water is slightly acidic, hence why its called the universal solvent.
Noooooppeeeeee . The universal solvent title comes from the polarity of the oxygen hydrogen bonds, because oxygen is MUCH more electronegative than hydrogen the bond is polar and has the ability to interact with both positive and negative charges in solution. Its this charge that universally dissociates ionic compounds, non-polar compounds such as fats are a different story though.

As for the pH & Copper its a very similar mechanism to what happens in our body for gas exchange. Purely a concentration gradient, as the RO water has been stripped of any dissolved ions (Mg, Fe, Ca, ect....) it naturally wants to regain these and does so by stripping the Cu2+ ions from the fitting.

Really sorry to hear about our loss, I'm on board with water changes and a polyfilter. Your rock might be toast, I would keep the tank invert-less for an extended period of time while you monitor your Copper levels.
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