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Old 04-18-2012, 07:26 PM
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Enigma Enigma is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Calgary, AB
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Enigma is on a distinguished road

Well . . . this tank has now completed its initial cycle. It has presented me with an extraordinary diatom bloom.

I moved one of my Mexican Turbo snails and four Nass snails out of my 10 gallon into this one last last night (acclimated for two hours, but that probably overkill as the parameters between the two tanks are very close).

Mexican Turbos are amazing snails . . . a huge dent had been put in the diatoms when I woke up this morning. My little "kissy snail" (what my little guy calls the Turbos) is in for a nice little nori treat when I get home.

The Nass hadn't cleaned up much (if any) of the brine shrimp floating around in the tank. I am just not sold on the usefulness of these guys.
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