Chaeto tank is built and curing.
With a whole lot of elbow grease, I managed to remove all the glass from the broken 5.5g to re-use the trim.
I was quite shocked to see how much silicone Aqueon used. The whole upper trim was sealed to the glass.
I couldn't fit 6mm in it, but 5mm fit perfectly. A FAR cry from the flimsly 2mm the original came with. It feels nice and solid now.
Pics to come in 2-3 days when it's tested and plumbed.
I'm gettin' a little impatient with the rock cooking. We'll see how long I can hold out.
Once all these fussy things are done, it may be time to fill the system, scape it and put some fish in the QT

After all, it's only been 3-1/2 months since I started this journal, and 6 since I decided to go SW