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Old 04-17-2012, 03:14 PM
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DiverDude DiverDude is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 519
DiverDude is on a distinguished road

I've bought from Wai's, Red Coral, Pisces, Big Als and Oceans and my best results have always been from Red Coral. I've never bought livestock online.

It's been my experience that Kevin and Doug will talk you out of buying something that isn't right for your tank if you don't know any better yourself. Good advice is hard to come by in todays' world and I value that -a lot.

Pricing is always a big 'arguing' point but this is not an inexpensive hobby and while I like a good price as much as the next guy, getting proper advice outweighs a few bucks here and there.

Selection is tougher. Most shops get 'what's available' and that means it's not like a grocery store where you can always find exactly what you want. Personally, one of my biggest mistakes in this hobby has been to go looking at fish and buying the one I like. I now understand that you need to research livestock for your specific tank and then go looking for what you want. Of course, you can phone around first and save the gas. Most shops will take your request and try to fill it. Just be patient, you can't expect to get healthy stock overnight if it's not in the shop.

29 Gal Bowfront w/24" LED Lights. DIY HOB Sump (5.4 Gal) MP40. Orange Spotted Watchman Goby, 2 Clownfish and a few hermits.
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