Originally Posted by fishytime
have me a superman monti, have me a superman digi, NEED me a superman scoly!!! very nice!
Fishytime, do you have the indo superman?
Or the RW Superman?
Let me show you the diff.
Here is the indo superman.
Notice the intense blue base and a red-ish poly.
Sorry the picture is blurry, my photography skills have come a long way since 2010.06.15
Here is the RW Superman.
Same intense blue base, but VERY bright red polyps.
We have been culturing this superman out for over 2 years now, probably 3 years... I would have to actual look back through picture to figure out when we started growing it out.
It came in as a large colony and RTN'd in shipping but we were able to save 4 polyps of the stuff. It was so disheartening.... but I knew this was an amazing piece so we tucked it away in the corner of one of our sps beds and it has been growing out ever since. Now we are up to over 12 mother colonies that have all completely overgrown their plugs and are WAY overdue to another fragging up.
This piece is still a bit of a ways away from release, but we already have a growing waiting list, so if you want to complete your superman collection this would be a good piece for you!
This is actually the first time we have ever received a superman scolymia and we get a LOT of scolymia!!