I would think twice if I were you. The so called "cure" rock pisces sells didn't look cured to me the last time I saw it at their location. The rocks were covered in aiptasia....
1). As long as the TDS reads 0 the grocery store Ro water should be sufficient.
2). Chemicals needed all depend of what you are going to be keeping in the tank. If you use "seachem" salinity salt mix their brand already has all the supplements needed for a healthy reef in their batch. However, you will very closely need to measure everything. I suggest you do a lot of reading to make sure you understand what is needed and how everything works
3). Once your tank is cycled and your ammonia and nitrates read 0 you can carefully add a clean up crew then.
Originally Posted by FFGirl
Thanks so much everyone for the welcome, and for the advise!! I appreciate it  I was figuring I would get my live rock from Pisces as they give a discount o your 1st purchase of it when you buy a tank from them. They carry cured, cultered live rock. I am wanting to take this very slowly as I know that is the key to minumising catastrophe lol. So the couple things nobody has commented on that I still feel sketchy on, are, is it ok to use grocery store RO water? I just would rather wait a bit before investing in a RO DI unit of my own. Also, chemicals needed for a healthy reef and when do I add them, or do I at all? And then the shrimp with a cleaning crew if I supplement their food? Or do the shrimp come in once there are fish 
Thanks again everyone!! You guys are awesome!!