Thread: Fragalot!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by reefan View Post
With him it has always been buyer BEWARE! One thing he generally did was short ship and have a large number of DOA's. Then he would say I'll replace that or make it up on your next order. And so the cycle starts with seldom getting what you wanted on each order but with promises to fix the next time. So people kept ordering and getting sucked in until after 5-6 times many people said enough is enough and wrote off the losses because it's just too much hassle.
I still say if you use this forum you should support the vendors who sponsor here and quit being so cheap trying to save a couple of bucks with a non-sponsor who has a terrible track record. If he was so confident in his product he would offer free replacement shipping like one of the sponsors here does.
I have shopped around with many vendors and have found you generally get what you pay for.
I agree it's buyer beware.....with every supplier. For the people that after the second or third failed attempt to get things straightened out I say this "Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results" is what some people define as insanity. Ask for a refund. As far as calling me cheap lol well I don't subscribe to 10$ frags or frags of any kind for that matter, I have no patience waiting for them to grow. The reason I bought from him after two years is he has colonies that I wanted and had in stock, again a bit of my instant gratification flaw I have.

I have sent emails request for corals to various sponsors of Canreef and have never been afforded a response..Ask once no answer, I won't ask again. I have had some great results from shops that sponsor this site but I'm certainly not going to restrict myself to them alone and from what I know there is no "rule" saying I have to.
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