Thread: Fragalot!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:03 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
k, so here we go a recent one... now... I understand it would be frustrating to be in your situation... and am sry to hear that u didn't receive all the items u were looking for... when you notified burc, did you take and send pics for proof that items were doa/missing? did he respond in a timely manner? the not so nice email was it from him to you or u to him? did he refund you the money for items not received/doa's?

What do you think he could have done differently to make your experience better and make you happy? these are the kind of posts consumers and businesses can both learn from...

Good Gosh.. Shouldn't Burc be asking these questions? Speaking of Burc.. I'm sure he's lurking reading all these posts.. If he can't come out of hiding and speak for him self.. Why are you bothering?
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