Well I got home from work and I realize I failed to inform the wife of what she needs to do for a top off since I don't yet have an ato. No biggie, clean glass empty skimmer and top off water. Had a major diatom bloom but I did have some good news. The local petshop and I are on close terms and after he learned I was starting a reef tank another customer came in and said he was selling his so my number was passed on and long story short I am getting his 25g reef for an afternoon of work. I am an electrician and he needs his hot tub hooked up so we swung a deal. I am robbing a few items from the tank including a purple brain coral, what I suspect is a Duncan, a yellow feather duster and a flame/electric scallop(clam) the flame scallop is awesome and I am going to have to get alot of phytoplankton to keep it going. The rest of the tank will be going to the father in law, he has been wanting a tank for a long time and has always wanted a reef. So the way I see it is spend a few hours to get a complete established system and rob a few corals it's worth it so I am going to give him the rest of the equipment and livestock. He will have it all till my tank cycles then I will transfer it all over gradually. Now que the tang police, I am thinking if I scape my rock right I can manage a kole tang. I have a 4' 55 which is not much smaller than a 75 and plan to have an open aquascape, this should be sufficient. I also plan to get a pair of Picasso along with a fire fish and some sort of easy blenny, bicolor etc... I have also come across alot of seahorse pages and am thinking of converting my 29g into a SH FOWLR. Any tips or suggestions are welcome. I am new to the game so am willing to take criticism.
Fishy Fishy Fishy Fish, wherever did you go?