So I finally figured it was time to join the big kids and get into the 100+ range.
I picked up my stand a few weeks ago and have been getting plywood cut and painted and started to collect some of the electrical work I want done and some plumbing supply's. I really have no clue on what im doing with this tank.
I had 2 smaller tanks. One 38gal running a canister filter (Bad idea!) and the other 40gal I bought as a plug and play system with a sump but all plumbing done. It is a very basic system with a central overflow basic sump just to give me the idea how a sump setup should work. It has been going for over a year with little problems.
But enough about the past! lets get to the now!
New tank is 72x20x20 I went with this size for a few reasons.
#1 I wanted a 6ft tank
#2 I live on the top floor of a 4plex so I wanted to keep the weight down. (tank is placed in the middle of the house near the dividing wall of the 4plex and near the front of the house)
#3 The wife wants to keep tangs so longer the tank the better imo.
Sump is 60x16x16 which works out to around 67gal but of course I dont think it will be full with all 67gal.
So of course everyone wants pictures! here we go...
Stand in the house
Some Plywood cut
Display tank
Stand with sump and part of the plywood in place.
This weekend I hope to get the stand leveled out (needs a small shim for the front). Get the side panels for the stand mounted. Get the back panel painted and mounted then if time permits cut out the holes for the bulk heads in the top.
The tank will probably go into place sometime in the next week or so.
Still need to figure how I want to plumb the system (this will be all new to me) rather confused but I figure with help from Kevin at RC I can figure it out.
The electrical I have a plan and just need to sit down and do it, I want to be able to control parts of the tank from switches mounted on the side of the tank. so i can shut of pumps when I want to feed/clean the tank.
I really down know what return pump I will use or what skimmer. I do know I would love to go LED with this tank but the costs are so high I might end up with a MH fixture, I dont care much about SPS but I do like softies and LPS and want to keep my options open if I want to do SPS later.
Stock list is a whole other issue...I have some fish from other tanks I will keep and others im not so sure about.
I have and want to keep
3 Clowns
1 yellow tail damsel
1 coral beauty
1 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Yellow tang (being held in a friends tank till mine is ready)
Unsure of keeping
6 line wrasse (I love him but I know he can be mean)
Orange Spot Goby (wife loves him I hate him, the sand everywhere is getting start to get old.)
Blue Tang
Powder Blue
Bristletooth Tang
Leopard Wrasse
Bartlett's Anthias
Now I know I cant have them all but I figure others on here can help me narrow down what to keep, what to sell, what to switch out etc.
Thats about it for now, thanks for reading/skimming through