Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 04-14-2012, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post
I've been waiting for months
Tell me about it. I've been stalling as I hope to fully cook the rock. I've been doing weekly WCs.
I did a WC on the 7th. On the 9th I had less than 1ppm NO3 and 0.04ppm PO4. Today I still have the same readings.

Once I get the chaeto tank ready I'll re-test the system. At that time I'll set up the ATO, pump hi/low switches and work out any bugs I can find. Then I'll run it up to temp and test the chiller, backup ranco and whatever else comes to mind.
I'll also set up the RKL.

Once that is all done, I may lose patience with the rock. But honestly, I want to at least see the NO3 go away.

So, to answer your question;
I'll wager you have a new mouth to feed before we do
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