Originally Posted by gregzz4
Of course. Unless you know peoples.
Anyway ...
I wish you the best of luck collecting. I know it's always a bad experience.
Luckily we got away with 'collecting' our stuff from 'his' warehouse after he removed it from ours.
In our 'case', a previous joint owner felt he 'owned' quite a lot of our stuff.
It was removed from our premises, say, during the twilight hours, so to speak.
Some people met with some other people and stuff exchanged hands.
The courts never had a chance to look at what happened.
We got lucky and still kept the business running until the boss retired.
23 years and, well, I guess I should have bought him out.
Good luck with your collections. I hope you get back what you are looking for
Thats a whole other mater, I'm talking about the companies that owe me money from work I have done for them.