Originally Posted by lockrookie
You missed the point.. If you start a group buy and set it up brs gives you 20 bucks worth of brs points I believe to organize the buy as a thank you. So every group buy the op gets 20.00 which is great for them but kinda unfair to the rest of the ppl in the group buy IMO. Don't get me wrong its nice for the organizer as an incentive to hook buyers for them so they don't have to frequent forums. And they do have great price and great service I've saved some cash ordering. I just think they should disperse the reward to all in the group buy as an Incentive.
Just my random thought. It is what it is lol
Sent from nowhere in particular
Receiving from nowhere in particular as my tappy-talkitty-thingy I just bought is broke

And, honestly, filtering through a bad night of crappy build stuff ending in beers .....
I disagree too with the $20 reward to the originator.
There should be a larger reward for the buy as a whole. We all still pay the shipping. 5% for a group order? Come on. Even 10% is, well, insulting.
Lets say anything over $1000 is 10%, $1500 is 15% and so on.
I spent over $400 on my first order with them, paid with PayPal, and nadda for Greg. I still paid dootie to boot.
And I find their shipping on small items to be unfair.
Fine, ship it UPS, but why charge me $18.99 for something that fits in a cigarette box? And then I still have to pay dudie. And they make me wait until the following Friday before they ship as 'they say' it's cheaper'. Ya, maybe cheaper for them, but we still foot the bill, so they profit on our shipping
on top of the sale.
No, I'm not bitter
I think BRS should readjust their shipping costs. It's ridiculous what they charge for small items.
They have not once remembered my large orders when I needed smallers ones.