Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 04-13-2012, 08:36 AM
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So I've decided to change something again
I hope the rock finishes curing soon, before I waste any more money on re-doing stuff. ( the rock is actually really close to ready )

I didn't like the idea of having a chaeto light in the sump to promote all kinds of stuff on my pumps, heaters and skimmer, and I was wasting some return volume, sooooooo .......
I bought a 5.5g and am in the midst of plumbing it on top of the shelf above the sump. What the hey?, it only weighs 40# full. This will give me about 20g of running water during a WC

The baffling didn't go so well due to my surprise of the black silicone I thought was clear, and now it looks like something Bill the Cat left behind, but whatever. It'll work. The premise is to have an 8 x 8 x 8 Chaeto tank overflow into what may become a frag tank that drains back to the sump. The frag tank is surprisingly large considering the tank size. In half a 5.5g I have enough room for one of those pricey racks @ 6x6

Keep in mind I don't have any critters right now, so this me planning ahead and I know it will need to grow.
I already have plans in mind to shuffle the room a bit.
I have room for another 30" of tank beside the sump, not to mention all that space above if i build strong enough shelving/stands.
Ok, I may be going on a bit, but I have no Reefie friends to talk to

I will post some pics after I test the flow through the sump again
I've included an emerg overflow and suspect all will be good
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