Fish list
I haven't really added anymore livestock to the tank in a while, dealt with a funky smell, now a lovely outbreak of cyano. Im doing 10% water changes every couple of days and manually removing what i can. I've ordered a gfo from brs as well as filter socks, hoping its here next week. Some of my lps are not doing well, fading color, so I've moved to different flow areas, but I think it may be bec of the phosphates,nitrates, I'm getting slight readings on the API tests but figure it's all in the cyano. Hopefully once I get this under control or gone, I will like my tank again....
I've been thinking of a fish list and would like some input. Currently have the following:
2 clowns
Radiant wrasse
Solar wrasse
Hippo tang
Royal gramma
(eel is in the 55 gl tank)
I will be adding a yellow tang but not for a while (last one got aggressive)
I would love a reef safe trigger
Would also love a ccb, but probably won't add one
Dwarf angels?
More wrasses?