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Old 04-11-2012, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Flash View Post
as stated... they are pre-paid items... you'll be put in a first paid first pick line up for the twp of clam you want. fwc is 9th for the max's.

ALSO: please be sure of the funds you are going to be spending. i do not have time to update and then consistantly re-do the order sheet because you can't come up with the money. this is a lot more work then people think. if you want to order. please make sure you are able to afford it/pay for it or i won't include you on the next order. not to be harsh, but it's not worth my time
Well said. I don't understand how some people can not come up with the money as if it's thousands of dollars. People should know ahead of time if they can afford 100-200 dollars before they commit
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