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Old 04-11-2012, 02:45 PM
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Enigma Enigma is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 1,062
Enigma is on a distinguished road

So, the cycle appears to be doing what it is supposed to be doing now: more or less. Ammonia has fallen quite a bit (down to 0.5ppm on the API test this morning), Nitrites are through the roof (5+ on the API test), and Nitrates are 10-25ppm (ELOS test).

I have put in two small pieces of live rock from my other tank.

I tossed in a cube of frozen brine. I'm thinking that should probably reflect the amount of food I'll be adding on a daily basis: between the fish that will go in here and at least one CUC member who will need to be supplemented.

My little guy is insisting that he wants two clowns in there. "Nemo" must have another clown family member with him. I do really like the idea of the Clown and the Orchid Dotty, though.
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