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Old 04-10-2012, 05:52 PM
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Bblinks Bblinks is offline
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Bblinks is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Abalone. They're big and effected film algae eaters for the glass walls of your aquarium. They have a small shell and a large foot so they don't become trapped upside down or get lodged in the rocks. They move quickly and will cover a relatively large area each night. The only downsides are their cost and slightly territorial behaviour. They usually sell for at least $20 and require, in my opinion, 50gal each to keep them from 'head butting' each other... whenever mine cross paths they try to ram each other with their shells until the little one retreats.
I will have to agree. I have 3 in my 300 and they do a terrific job. I also have 20 small cowries also and they are good also.
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