Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 04-10-2012, 07:11 AM
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Tonight's progress starts with re-arranging the loc-line outlets in the hopes of not having to drill anti-siphon holes

Then I finally got some wiring done under the tank

Just that much closer
The liverock in the rubbermaid readings are getting harder to decipher;
Today, 2 days after a 100% WC, I get hard to decifer NO3 and maybe 0.04 PO4.
So I did a control test to help me with the colors.
The PO4 is definitely there but the NO3 is Soo hard to read.
Guess I'm still waiting.
I'll keep up with the rubbermaid WC's while I find more things to finish with the build.
Once I run out of things to do, I might get impaitent and fill this thing
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