To make sure they get enough food, obviously. I target feed my dendros, each little head. I target feed my anemones, and my duncans.
If I don't turn the pump off the ricordeas cannot swallow any food as it get blow off rather fast. Ricordeas take forever to eat and swallow food, and oftent I have to cut the pump for 30 to 40 minutes until they finish eating. They do grow much faster and multiply this way a lot faster when targed feeding them.
Dendros need food as they are not photosynthetic. Thinking they will manage to grab bits of food for each head is nonsense unless you pollute your tank with so much food that it is saturated with bits of food. I don't want to pollute my tank that way.
Originally Posted by MarkoD
this leads me to my next question..... why do people target feed corals?