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Old 04-09-2012, 06:40 PM
burgerchow burgerchow is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: burnaby bc
Posts: 318
burgerchow is on a distinguished road

I'm a little curious. Just how much food does everybody feed, that they are worried about "leftover" ? I only feed small amounts a day. It's a feeding frenzy everytime I drop in some pellets. Never have any leftovers.
I think keeping my fish in competition for food is more natural, and it also leads to better water quality.
Last tank was 210 reef with 90 gal sump

120 , lps. 2xKessil A350W Tuna Blues, 2xvortech mp40 for flow,aqualogic 1/4 hp chiller, 160 lbs live rock. sohal, , pair of percs,flame dotty back , royal gramma, pair of black percs, niger trigger, mandarin

55 corner bowfront freshwater, African cichlids kessil a350

30 gal 36x36 coffee table fish tank. 3 red ear sliders.

5.5 gal nano, live rock, arrow crab, baby perc, firefish.
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