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Old 04-09-2012, 11:58 AM
RDNanoGuy RDNanoGuy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 148
RDNanoGuy is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Tragedy Strikes!

What a terrible Easter weekend I've had!

Woke up on friday morning and went to feed the gang. Bluey (Powder Blue Tang) wasn't acting like himself, he was just hanging around one of the powerheads and notreally joining in on the morning Chum Storm (PE Mysis).
I had a goood look at him but I couldn't see anything amiss. I made a note to check again later. When I returned he was breathing fast and sitting on the bottom so I quickly scooped him out and isolated him in a 10 gal of tank water with an airstone. An hour later he was dead.

Checked all the other fish which all looked fine, doing thier normal things, eating, etc. To be safe I added a good dose of Prime, checked all my param's, and cleaned the filter socks and added some fresh carbon. Then it was off to my mothers for Easter Dinner.

So I got back home this afternoon, went to check the tank only to find with horror that Everyone had been struck with the dreaded Marine Velvet! NOOOOO!!!! All the fish were covered to various degrees. some were still acting ok but alot were hanging around the cleaner shrimp hoping to get some relief.

I have moved all the fish to a 55 gal I had lying around, gave each fish a freshwater dip, and started copper treatment. Fingers crossed!

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