04-09-2012, 04:58 AM
Colony Growing Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Victoria
Posts: 1,073
Originally Posted by wmcinnes
DO NOT TRUST CRABS! My Ruby Red Emerald crab, which after some research is actually a Minthrax crab is a trecherous little bugger. He ate the very first coral I put in the tank, just some GSPs, but still! Without further adieu I captured him and put him in the refugium where he can hang out by himself with all the bubble algae any crab could ever want!
On another note, my AI sols have been ordered and should be here Tuesday, can't wait to get them running!!
Bought the ELOS Magnesium, Calcium, and Alkalinty test kits and found my parameters to be: Mag= 1250, Cal= 380, and Alk= 7.. not bad, but I will be doing some water changes with Oceanic Reef Crystals and dosing Kalwasser soon to bring the numbers up a little bit. Now knowing where my tank chemistry is I picked up a couple corals (Frogspawn frag, 2 Zoa colonies, and the GSPs), and have them in temporary placement near the top of the tank because they are currently under the 2x39W T5s (Superblue Plus + Actinic). Also added the clowns and wrasse over from QT.
One thing I am still trying to adjust is a consistant water level where my ATO float switches are. I am really having a hard time getting the drain line and return pump flows to match and therefore, the level drops slowly over time (not due to evaporation) and the ATO comes on, diluting the salinity and causing the overflow to fill right to the rim. Hoping I can get it dialed in so this doesnt happen anymore!
Still bad quality photos, waiting on that replacement camera charger to come in.
Frogspawn frag (been knocked all over the place by the friggen crab!)

Zoa Colonies

Blue-Sided Wrasse hiding out in the background, still a little shy..
Some new additions soon to come 
Wayne, just went thru your tank journal, looking very good! I really like your rock formation! Looking forward to more updates!
PS. The Audi is nice too! 