Thread: 55g reef build
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Old 04-08-2012, 10:58 PM
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Default 55g reef build

Hey all, its been a long while since ive been on here. i sold my reef tank a few years back and have been dying to replace it. Well ive been in talks witht the wife and she gave me the nod so full speed ahead. before i dive into details i have to say one thing so here goes. I was up in edmonton yesterday looking to get my lighting and get some live rock. i toured through red coral and blue world and i have to say thanks to everyone who helped me out, employees and the guys i ran into at both stores so thank you all for the tips and stearing a guy down the right path. alright thats said so on we go, i spent my evening on friday ripping down my 55g which was previously a freshwater tank with custom 3d background. let me tell you that was a royal pain in the backside scraping all the silicone off the glass and getting it presentable but i got it done. so saturday was full off touring reef shops or so i thought, kids didnt agree lol. well i got my lighting taken care of and settled on an aquamedic 6x54w t5ho which looks great. i also got about 20lbs of rock, one peice is loaded with mushrooms. today i went to oogle a buddies reef while i was there picking up a remora HOB skimmer. he was even kind enough to hook me up with a power and an extra overflow box which matches the one for the skimmer. i got everything setup and running and the water is clearing up after the initial blast the powerhead gave the rock. ill post some pics ina bit.
Fishy Fishy Fishy Fish, wherever did you go?
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