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Old 04-08-2012, 05:32 PM
FitoPharmer FitoPharmer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Kamloops, BC
Posts: 454
FitoPharmer is on a distinguished road

Don't forget the AI sol's and DIY when you are comparing LED's

2x AI SOL = $800
Controller=$80 option
Modular = Yes (3 LEDs per panel)

2x Radion $1650
Controller= Yes
Modular= Yes (17 LEDs per panel)

Sunbrite f-series 48" $1100
Controller= Yes
Modular= Yes (18 LEDs per panel)

Modular led 48" kit, no lenses, no dimming $609 +~$40 for fans and cords.
Controller= No
Modular= Yes (2 LEDs per panel)

The main factors to consider with any unit: Initial cost, quality and number of LED's, repair/replacement/upgrade costs and ability, and control. For me control is a much smaller factor since I am still used to old fashion lighting where control was pretty much limited to actinic and moonlight timing. Being modular is much more important to me. It allows for upgrades as technology advances. But also if something breaks on this unit down the road, I want it to easily be replaced at a reasonable cost. I would guess that the larger amount of LEDs per panel jumps the replacement cost considerably. So if 3 LEDs die on a panel of 17 or 18, you are less likely to replace them. While a panel with 2 or 3 LEDs would be cheaper to replace if 3 LEDs went out.

Last edited by FitoPharmer; 04-08-2012 at 05:35 PM.
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