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Old 04-08-2012, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by habs247 View Post
Thanks all - great help here.

Considering the T5 route - anyone know if a 36" 6 bulb Tek light would do the trick on a 48" long tank? Or should I go 48" for sure?

The sunbrite looks like a nice option. Given that it's so new, however, there isn't a lot of feedback on its performance or quality yet
You are much better off going with a 48" T5 instead of 36", small price difference.

SB USA has delivered 10 F-series in the US and there are great reviews. They love the craftsmanship and intensity of the light. One guy replaced his 3 x 250W MH with 1 x 72" F-series and he's running it at 75%, still finds it brighter.

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