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Old 04-08-2012, 07:55 AM
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lpsreefer lpsreefer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Calgary (NE Country hills)
Posts: 513
lpsreefer is on a distinguished road

I dont see why people have a problem with this. It's only temp. Also if the fish are showing no signs of infection or bad bacteria then no problem. If its long term them fine. It not like every one is going into certain lfs going you can't keep that fish on there because a 3 foot by 18 by 18 inches isn't big enough for that fish.
If your water is stable. And its only for short term. And they remain eating. Look healthy.
Then it's really Just keeping up keep.
For thoses of us in Calgary how about looking at the angel, orange shoulder tang, and clown tang at a certain local fish store on 16th.

I'm not justifying nor am I saying its wrong. In a few years it might be impossible to get any saltwater items.

Sorry for the bad grammar.
Also for the noted I have had a lot to drink tonight.
Looking forward to the plumbing I did hopefully it hold without leaking.
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