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Old 04-08-2012, 07:28 AM
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Brad stated he added 5ml of Prime to his 50g tank. If what I'm calculating is correct, it will not make any difference at all.

Is my math off ???

If 5ml of Prime in 50g of water removes 1mg/L, and there's 189L in a 50g ( give or take), doesn't this mean that you would need to add a whole lot of Prime (close to a litre of it) to remove that 1mg of Ammonia?

189 * 5 = 945ml of Prime

This tells me you would need to add almost a litre of Prime to remove just one mg of Ammonia in his 50g tank.

Am I missing something here, or is this why people overdose Prime?

Would someone show me how I am off here, or confirm my math?
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