Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 04-08-2012, 06:20 AM
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Here's another overflow cover mod. I'm thinkin' this is the one I'll keep.
I tried eggcrate, thought about using mesh, but this is it. Now I can remove my standpipe strainers and have full flow.

It just happens to hold the flood switch at the perfect height and I slotted it for my ground, temp and pH probes. Plus it blocks light, so no huge algae issues in the box.

The only critters that make it into the box have to go through the teeth and, unless they grow to huge proportions, will flush through if they decide to go down the waterslide.
I glued small pieces on the underside to stop it from sliding too far left/right/forwards.
Guess I should clean up the edges a bit as it looks like poop in the pic.

Now I have to make my mind up about using a mesh cover vs eggcrate.
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