pictures and its about time.
well here is the tank getting setup for a bulkhead that will allow me to run a sump so I won't need that POC red sea Skimmer. But allow me to run a SWC cone 160

all done looks so purty

Bulkhead in

the tank getting disassembled

Doug came over the day before to help get things into the Tub Thanks Doug for all your help.

The tubs what a mess getting it in and sorted out.

Then I get a call that a special person was in town on my behalf. see this is us getting ready to transfer. I think I look happy. might of been the beer too. Greg was caught off guard.

Even after a 10 hour drive, he still had some energy left.

plumbed up and getting there.

trying out the return lines using the chiller lines worked pretty good too.