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Old 04-07-2012, 02:28 AM
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eternitybc eternitybc is offline
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Default How long before clowns will Breed?

We have 2 clowns in our 55 gallon corner. The female is 2.5 years approx, the male we added Feb 2011 (over a year ago). They paired up immediately (after the previous male passed).

But, no eggs! Ever! They are hosting a corner of the tank(used to be the mag float, we learned to just leave it there) and keep the bottom clean of sand, and have done this for the last year. They are fed daily, clean water parameters, etc... is there anything I can do to speed the process?

I just discovered there's a book called clownfish by Joyce Wilkerson which I will be purchasing at the first opportunity, but if anyone has tips I would appreciate it. Such as...adding a clay flower pot to their area.

Since the glass corner is so exposed, will this make them feel safer? I probably put my hands in the tank twice a month to do cleaning/maintenance/move corals, which agitates the female... I'll definitely stop this, if it's an issue.

Forgot to add- they're tank bred false percs!
125 gallon 6', 33 gallon sump \ refugium
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