125 Gal Tank and Accessories
The main tank is 125 gallon (72"l x 18"w x 22"h)
Included with the tank are the following accessories:
- 72" x 18" black stand
- 72" Nova Extreme Pro 12x39W Model 1082 light fixture
- small black stand for water top up bucket (the bucket is
connected to the sump, a float valve controls the water level in the
- 50 gallon/day Coralife RO/DI unit (I have a log for this if you are
- Coralife 220 gallon protein skimmer
- 40 gallon custom sump with refugium
- pumps, heaters and overflow kits
- power bars, ground probe and Coralife power center
- refractometer and test kits (NO3, Ca, dkH, pH)
- 120 pounds Aragonite
- two 20 gallon Rubbermaid garbage cans w/wheels
- about 2/3 of a 5 Gal pail of RO salt water mix
The equipment is 4 years old and in good working order. The only item that requires some maintenance is the light fixture and we can discuss that if you are interested.
Price: $700
Last edited by DaleBessette; 04-06-2012 at 03:40 PM.
Reason: I forgot to put in the price