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Old 04-05-2012, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by rastaangel View Post
Well I just did a full evaluation on all my SPS. I found that more then 1/3 of my tank has the small bite marks of AEFW or eggs on the bottom of them which says that this has been going on for a while I just never figured it out and blamed the red bugs for the loss of color.
Wow Cory, looks like you need better dipping and/or quarantining protocol.

I had AEFW in my tank once on a colony I had just bought. It was in my tank for a couple weeks when I noticed it browning out and saw the bite marks. I was using Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure for dipping (which is supposed to eliminate AEFW btw) at that time. I solved the problem by throwing the coral in the garbage can. Luckily I haven't seen them since (touch wood). AEFW are seriously the worst thing (besides RTN) that can happen to an SPS tank.

I now use Coral Rx, Levamisole, and Interceptor dips on all incoming Acros. I also put them in quarantine for at least 2 weeks. They are generally quite brown after all that. I don't mind, color comes back. Btw, no treatment exists that kills AEFW eggs, so quarantine is really the best protocol.

Have you seen this article? The Levamisole dip described is the one I use. Things that Suck: Acropora Eating Flatworms
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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