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Old 04-04-2012, 11:10 AM
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subman subman is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Edmonton
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subman is on a distinguished road

Tank is complete now. Trim is done and it's ready to come home....which is why I'm up at 4am in a cold sweat trying to figure out how to get everything done!

The main problem (besides getting it downstairs!) is it's going right where my current setup is so it looks like I'll need to tear down, move and re setup the current setup so I can place this tank and take my time getting the carpentry and plumbing done right.
I'm sure it will all come together just having big tank jitters!
225gal dt with 100g sump. Mitras, vortechs, bubble king, AI Sol and Profilux.
Will trade subs for frags

My other summer hobby:
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