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Old 04-04-2012, 04:33 AM
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Originally Posted by swill View Post
He is starting to come around to be honest with you. Why would you just kill it because it is sick when there is a way to maybe cure him. Would kill your dog because he is sick with out seeing if there is something you can do for him. I have been hand feeding him he is getting stronger everyday now. Thanks for bluntness but I don't think you should be giving advice as you obviously don't think a fishes life has value. That's is all!
If my dog was paralyzed and had to be handfed for over a month to remain alive - yes, I would have it euthanized. No offence but I think you have lost consideration for what is quality of life....and by your own admission the fish appeared so sick you never thought it would survive more than a day or 2. Perhaps you ought to reconsider criticizing someone else's morals and ethics and reflect on your own first.
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