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Old 03-13-2004, 02:19 AM
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smokinreefer smokinreefer is offline
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uh yeah... i just looked at mine and it is AquaFX as well...
havent rally looked around a lot yet, but at $50US sounds like the best deal so far...

mason, a TDS meter can help you determine when its time to change membranes, having said that i havent used mine yet! but ive read the membranes usually need to be replaced within 2 years.

nascam, i never contacted aquasafe, cuz i never heard of them until now!

steve, is there a certain color membrane i should be looking for?

veng, wateranywhere... pricing is similar to aquafx... is it in the US as well?

just curious, what filter do you guys replace most often? i find that my carbon is what gets replaced most, whether it is depleted i dunno, but it clogs the fastest.
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