I really know how you feel that sort of thing happened to me a few years back. Good thing you were at home. I went to work then come home to the front of my tank shattered all over the floor. When all said and done cost of repair was well over $15,000.00. That was the cost to replace the hardwood floor with better water resistant type hardwood. And it took me a long time and a move across the country to be able to have a betta bowl. Today I have a 40 gallon Discus tank and trying to set up a 135 and a 15gallon seahorse tank.
I believe Reefkeeping is not a hobby but a way of life It's unfortunate mine is at a stand still!
Building a 135 reef 9 years in the making(seem like I'll never get this 1 together! Too Busy with the Nano and Pico tanks