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Old 04-01-2012, 04:32 PM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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really? wow, they are doing so well in my tank that they have started to spread every where, sprouting buds here and there on the rocks and even on tubing.

They were not affected one bit by the copper poisoning in my tank, not even the slightest bleaching or dulling, both the purple or the flashy green and polyp extension remained great all the way. They grow very very fast.

Originally Posted by Cubeman View Post
I've been keeping only sps tanks for 3 years and have yet to have any "success" with pocillipora so I was quite amazed to read in this thread that people are finding them so easy. Any that I bought grew very little and usually got crowded out by neighbouring corals that grew like weeds in comparison. I don't even bother trying with them anymore. Goes back to the addage about what works for one doesn't mean it'll work for another.

I think birdsnest is an easy coral to keep and grows rapidly but only once the tank is mature and wouldn't suggest it for a new setup. I'm a +1 on the monti caps and digi's however. They were good sps starters for me (but your experience may vary! ).
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