Thread: Buyer Beware
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Old 04-01-2012, 03:48 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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I think the title says it all, BUYER beware. You think you're the first to be disappointed with an internet sale? "Great Condition" is a matter of opinion, you should have obtained more information and pictures to justify your expectations prior to the sale. If it was in working condition and the owner didn't notice any of these issues (which is very likely the case) then his description may have been valid in his eyes.

I've had a fair share of disappointed purchases as well, recently over paid (IMO) for some items that were way smaller than expected but this my own fault and no different from your experience, I should have obtained more info and pictures but rather I quickly jumped on the chance of getting a "deal" as did you and therefore there are risks involved. People that take perfect care of there equipment do so to withhold the value, they won't likely then sell it for less than half retail.

We don't need a feedback system, this isn't ebay. The mods and director aren't here to protect you from bad purchases, that's not what the site is about. Take responsibly for your own actions, life is fall of risk and consequence.