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Old 04-01-2012, 12:28 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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The white dots are the parasite in it's visible stage. They will go away, the ich is still there however, just not visible to our eye.

If you did not introduce new fish in the last month, this is likely due to stresses, such as wide swings in water temperature, or others.

Avoid medications and other additives IME, they don't solve any problems with the lifecycle of ich, of your fishes ability to fight it off. Keep the fish eating, and work at keeping your tank a stable consistent temperature.

I have a black tang that gets white spots as I am starting a new system and introducing new fish. I have NO plans to treat the fish or the system after 15 years of dealing with ich. It rarely kills healthy fish in the home aquarium.
I'm out.
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