Thread: Buyer Beware
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Old 04-01-2012, 12:32 AM
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Again, this post is not to bash the seller. It's to warn everyone to be more careful. I learnt my lesson on this one. I'll know for next time.

And again, I tried numerous times to contact this seller after his recommended repair failed. It was nice of him to suggest a method of repair however I personally don't feel as if I should have had to repair the unit to begin. It was promised to me in great condition after all, but I tried to be nice and went along with it and gave him a few free chances.

I'm not bashing him. I'm sure he's genuinely nice guy. Everyone makes mistakes. However I don't feel that this unit should have been considered "great condiiton" and I'm upset that my calls and PMs have gone unanswered. My only intention with this post was to warn people to be careful and see before they buy. Obviously I shouldn't have been so trusting.

I don't have any hard feelings towards the seller whatsoever and if he decides to be nice and refund or repair the unit for me (as I suggested in some of my unanswered PMs), I will be more than willing to come on here and praise him for being a stand-up guy. I sincerely hope he does give me the chance to do it too.
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